Postcard from Aya


Flamenco Australia Magazine welcomes articles from Australians visiting Spain for flamenco - whether it’s for performance, study or simply to enjoy a show!

This article is from Melbourne’s Aya Kitaoji from Senes Flamenco who’s in Seville . Thanks, Aya!

If you are visiting Spain and would like to contribute to Flamenco Australia Magazine, please get in touch.

What did you come here for?

For self expansion. Also to bring inspiration back home to the arts scene in Australia. Each year I spend a few months here; this time I have spent most of my time in Seville and in Cádiz province. In Melbourne I am fortunate to have a very active ensemble and give regular dance classes, so I feel a responsibility to keep creatively refreshed or inspired in order to bring flamenco back to Australia and share it with my public and students. I feel flamenco is one way I can contribute to the development of multicultural arts and culture in Australia, where I was born. Flamenco has been of strength in my life and I like sharing it with my audience. When I return home, I will present my second solo dance show to close the Boite's season on November 8th.


And…. have you found it?

Inspiration? Like minds? Yes. Every time I come to Spain I meet many like minds; fellow creatives, artists, musicians, young and old, hard workers who are dedicated to their cause. Flamenco and Spain has changed over the 20 years I have been coming; Seville has become more and more multicultural... flamenco is universal, it has reached people all over the world and it is very nice to meet people who love flamenco from all corners of the globe in order to develop their skills and learn, keep it alive...this is very important for the survival of flamenco as an art form.

What's the best discovery you've made this trip?

To always follow my heart and go where the love is. The risks I take in opening myself to opportunity are always well worth it! I have discovered that I am very welcome to perform in Sevilla, it's a true honour. That less is more. That limitations are only in our minds and success is better measured with our happiness and well-being. My new found friends, my old friends, my new singer and guitarist!

Aya dancing flamenco in Seville
Aya dancing flamenco in Seville